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Responses at specified exposure values are calculated for n_subj_sim subjects with different covariates (sampled from newdata), and the predicted responses are "marginalized" (averaged), resulting in marginal expected response on the population of interest.


  exposure_to_sim_vec = NULL,
  data_cov = extract_data(ermod),
  n_subj_sim = 100,
  n_draws_sim = 500,
  seed_sample_draws = NULL,
  output_type = c("draws", "median_qi"),
  qi_width = 0.95

  exposure_range = NULL,
  num_exposures = 51,
  data_cov = extract_data(ermod),
  n_subj_sim = 100,
  n_draws_sim = 500,
  seed_sample_draws = NULL,
  output_type = c("draws", "median_qi"),
  qi_width = 0.95



An object of class ermod


Vector of exposure values to simulate.


Data frame containing covariates to use for simulation. Different from sim_er_new_exp(), data_cov can be large as long as n_subj_sim is set to a reasonable number. Default is set to extract_data(ermod) which is the full data used to fit the model.


Maximum number of subjects to simulate. Default of 100 should be sufficient in many cases, as it's only used for marginal response calculation. Set to NULL to use all subjects in data_cov without resampling; in this case, be mindful of the computation time.


Number of draws for simulation. Default is set to 500 to reduce computation time for marginal response calculation.


Seed for sampling draws. Default is NULL.


Type of output. "draws" returns the raw draws from the simulation, and "median_qi" returns the median and quantile interval.


Width of the quantile interval. Default is 0.95. Only used when output_type = "median_qi".


Range of exposure values to simulate. If NULL (default), it is set to the range of the exposure variable in the original data for model development.


Number of exposure values to simulate.


ersim_marg object, which is a tibble with the simulated marginal expected response with some additional information in object attributes. In case of output_type = "median_qi", it returns ersim_marg_med_qi object.


sim_er_new_exp_marg() returns a tibble with the marginal expected response for each exposure value in exposure_to_sim_vec.

sim_er_curve_marg() is a wrapper function for sim_er_new_exp_marg() that use a range of exposure values to simulate the marginal expected responses. Particularly useful for plotting the exposure-response curve.

See also

calc_ersim_med_qi() for calculating median and quantile interval from ersim_marg object (generated with output_type = "draws").



ermod_bin <- dev_ermod_bin(
  data = d_sim_binom_cov_hgly2,
  var_resp = "AEFLAG",
  var_exposure = "AUCss_1000",
  var_cov = "BHBA1C_5",

ersim_new_exp_marg_med_qi <- sim_er_new_exp_marg(
  exposure_to_sim_vec = seq(2, 6, by = 0.2),
  data_cov = dplyr::tibble(BHBA1C_5 = 4:10),
  n_subj_sim = NULL,
  n_draws_sim = 500, # This is set to make the example run faster
  output_type = "median_qi"

#> # A tibble: 21 × 14
#>    .id_exposure AUCss_1000 .epred .epred.lower .epred.upper .linpred
#>           <int>      <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1            1        2    0.174        0.146        0.205    -1.96
#>  2            2        2.2  0.185        0.157        0.215    -1.87
#>  3            3        2.4  0.197        0.167        0.227    -1.78
#>  4            4        2.6  0.208        0.179        0.239    -1.71
#>  5            5        2.8  0.221        0.191        0.253    -1.61
#>  6            6        3    0.234        0.203        0.267    -1.52
#>  7            7        3.2  0.247        0.215        0.285    -1.43
#>  8            8        3.4  0.260        0.225        0.302    -1.34
#>  9            9        3.6  0.274        0.233        0.318    -1.25
#> 10           10        3.8  0.289        0.244        0.337    -1.17
#> # ℹ 11 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: .linpred.lower <dbl>, .linpred.upper <dbl>,
#> #   .prediction <dbl>, .prediction.lower <dbl>, .prediction.upper <dbl>,
#> #   .width <dbl>, .point <chr>, .interval <chr>