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Intercept unit test coverage reports and process results to link evaluated functions to the unit tests which trigger their evaluation. In doing so, we can then link the associated function documentation of each object to the tests that triggered their evaluation as a way of reusing existing documentation to generate specifications.


test_trace_df(x, ...)

# S3 method for coverage
  pkg = as.package(attr(x, "package")$path),
  aggregate_by = sum



A package object, name, source code path or coverage result to use as the bases of tracing tests. Coverage results must have been produced using options(covr.record_tests = TRUE).


Additional arguments unused


A package object as produced by as.package, if a specific package object is to be used for inspecting the package namespace.


NULL or a function by which to aggregate recurring hits counts and direct columns from a test to a trace. If NULL, no aggregation will be applied. (Default sum)