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Compute the posterior probability that the response probability P_E is above a threshold. such that this posterior probability can be expressed as Pr(P_E > p | data). Prior is P_E ~ sum(weights * beta(parE[, 1], parE[, 2])), i.e., a mixture of beta priors. Default is one component only with uniform or beta(1,1).

We observed x successes in n trials.

Posterior is again a mixture of beta priors, with updated mixture weights and beta parameters.


postprob(x, n, p, parE = c(1, 1), weights, betamixPost, log.p = FALSE)



number of successes.


number of patients.


threshold that P_E is measured.


the beta parameters matrix, with K rows and 2 columns, corresponding to the beta parameters of the K components.


The mixture weights of the beta mixture prior.


optional result of [h_getBetamixPost()] in order to speed up the computations. If supplied, this is directly used, bypassing the other arguments (except p and log.p of course).


whether to return the log of the probability


The posterior probability that the response rate P_E is above p.


# Example taken from Lee and Liu (2008) :
# We observed 16 successes out of 23 patients
# We set a threshold of 0.60
# Assume a beta(0.6,0.4) prior for P_E
# Posterior will be a beta(16.6, 7.4), Pr(P_E > p | data) = 0.836

postprob(x = 16, n = 23, p = 0.60, par = c(0.6, 0.4))
#> [1] 0.8359808

# We could instead specify a mixture prior
# 2 component beta mixture prior :
# i.e., P_E ~ 0.6*beta(0.6,0.4) + 0.4*beta(1,1) and Pr(P_E > p | data) = 0.823
  x = 16, n = 23, p = 0.60,
  par =
      c(0.6, 0.4),
      c(1, 1)
  weights = c(0.6, 0.4)
#> [1] 0.8226271