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Compute the posterior probability to be above threshold assuming a beta prior on the response rate such that the response rate in the experimental or treatment E exceeds the threshold set to compute the posterior probability p : Pr(P_E > p | data). Prior is P_E ~ beta(a, b), with default set to be a uniform or beta(1,1).

We observed x successes in n trials and so the posterior is P_E | data ~ beta(a + x, b + n - x).


postprobBeta(x, n, p, a = 1, b = 1)



number of successes.


number of patients.


threshold set to compute posterior probability.


first parameter alpha of the beta prior (successes).


second parameter beta of the beta prior (failures).


The posterior probability that the response rate P_E is above a threshold p.


# Example taken from Lee & Liu (2006)
# We observed 16 successes out of 23 patients # should we write this in the documentation
# We set a threshold of 0.60
# Assume a beta(0.6,0.4) prior for P_E
# Posterior will be a beta(16.6,22.8), Pr(P_E > p | data) = 0.8358808

# Example taken from Lee and Liu (2006)
postprobBeta(x = 16, n = 23, p = 0.60, a = 0.6, b = 0.4)
#> [1] 0.8359808
# Interpretation :
# The probability 16 of 23 successes is greater than 60 % threshold is approximately 84 %