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Set Transformations in Baseline Objects


# S4 method for class 'BaselineObject'
set_transformations(object, ..., overwrite = FALSE)



BaselineObject created by create_baseline_object.


named transformation functions. See details for more information.


If TRUE overwrite existing transformation list and only include newly specified transformations.


An updated BaselineObject


Transformation functions are evaluated in order and create or overwrite a column in the data.frame with that name. The function should have signature function(data), taking a data.frame (specifically a BaselineDataFrame object from generate(BaselineObject)) and return a vector with length identical to the total number of patients. The @BaselineObject slot of the BaselineDataFrame may be accessed directly or with get_quantiles() to create transformations. See binary_cutoff().


baseline <- create_baseline_object(
  100, 50, 100,
  covariates = baseline_covariates(
    names = "age", means_int = 55,
    covariance_int = covariance_matrix(5)
set_transformations(baseline, age_scaled = function(data) scale(data$age))
#> Baseline Data Simulation Object
#>   N internal treated:  100 
#>   N internal control:  50 
#>   N external control:  100 
#> Covariates: 
#> [[1]]
#>  covariate means_internal means_external
#>        age             55             55
#> Covariance Matrices
#> Internal   External
#>     age        age 
#> age   5    age   5 
#> Transformations: 
#>    age_scaled