Basic usage examples
Getting the first demo app to run
To get started, install the Teal4Real
package and
dependencies as described here. This
vignette assumes you are using RStudio. However, this is not a
requirement for using Teal4Real.
Let’s load the package and use the only function in the package
called use_teal4real()
A dialog will pop up and you will be asked to choose a folder where the app files should be copied to.
Let’s create an empty folder and copy the shiny app files there.
You should now see the following files in your app folder:
Open Teal4Real_app.R
in the RStudio editor, and click
Run app
(top right)
The result should be a demo app like this one
Step two: adapting the app to run on a different dataset
The example above used a dataset adapted from the
R package.
If you want to use Teal4Real on your own analysis dataset, you’ll
have to look through all the files with “user” in the filename
), and read the explanations in the
You’ll have to provide a function that returns your dataset, plus a number of configurations that tell the app e.g. which variables are time-to-event endpoints, etc.