reduce HLA allele numbers resolution.
reduceAlleleResolution(allele, resolution = 4)
Character vector with HLA allele numbers.
Number specifying desired resolution.
Character vector containing reduced HLA allele numbers.
In cases when allele number contain additional suffix their resolution
can not be unambiguously reduced. These cases are returned unchanged.
Function behaves in the same manner if resolution
is higher than
resolution of input HLA allele numbers.
values are accepted and returned as NA
TODO here we give such warning when alleles have G or GG suffix (see "Reducing G groups alleles, major allele gene name will be used." I dond't really remember why we are doing this xd These allele numbers are processed as normal alleles (without suffix). Let me know if this warning is relevant or we could go without it. If we want to leave it lets also add text in documentation.
reduceAlleleResolution(c("A*01", "A*01:24", "C*05:24:55:54"), 2)
#> [1] "A*01" "A*01" "C*05"