title: "2.2. Model sculpting and interpretation - bike"
date: last-modified
chunk_output_type: inline
# Note
The following scripts need to be run first before knitting the document
corresponding to `model_type` specified below:
- 3_model_sculpt_bike.R
# Setup and load
#| output: FALSE
#| message: FALSE
library (dplyr)
library (stringr)
source (here:: here ("R/0_setup.R" ))
theme_set (theme_bw (base_size = 12 ))
theme_facets <- theme (
text = element_text (size = 16 ),
legend.position = "inside" ,
legend.position.inside = c (0.85 , 0.2 ),
legend.background = element_rect (colour = "black" ),
legend.title = element_blank ()
theme_single <- theme (text = element_text (size = 16 ))
# Function to check if the model is trained
load_model_if_trained <- function (model_type) {
model_path <- file.path (storage_folder, sname (paste0 (model_type, "-fit_final.rds" )))
if (file.exists (model_path)) {
load_results (sname (paste0 (model_type, "-fit_final.rds" )))
} else {
stop (paste0 ("Model " , model_type, " is not trained for compas, `" ,
model_path, "` does not exist. " ,
"Please train it first with: " ,
"`Rscript R/2_train_models.R " , model_type, " compas FALSE`" ))
# set dataset (any with discrete response)
dataset <- "bike"
# set model_type
model_type = "xgb_bayes"
# model_type = "xgb"
# set nr of features for a polished model
top_k <- 7
# util function for storage
sname <- function (x, prefix = dataset) {
paste0 (prefix, "-" , x)
# load dataset
dd <- define_data (dataset)
# load xgb
xgb <- load_model_if_trained (model_type)
# xgb_fo <- load_model_if_trained("xgb_1_order_bayes")
xgb_fo <- load_model_if_trained ("xgb_1_order" )
# get product marginals
pm <- sample_marginals (dd$ data$ train[dd$ covariates$ all], n = 1e4 , seed = 1234 )
# xgb model
## Sculpting
### Main models
# load sculpted models
rs_pm <- load_results (paste0 (dataset, "-" , model_type, "-sculpt_rough_pm.rds" ))
ds_pm <- load_results (paste0 (dataset, "-" , model_type, "-sculpt_detailed_pm.rds" ))
ps_pm <- load_results (paste0 (dataset, "-" , model_type, "-sculpt_polished_pm.rds" ))
### Other sculpting models
#| output: FALSE
# get rough model - on train
rs_train <- sculpt_rough (
dd$ data$ train[dd$ covariates$ all],
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (xgb, new_data = x)$ .pred
data_as_marginals = TRUE
# First order model
rs_pm_xgb_fo <- sculpt_rough (
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (xgb_fo, new_data = x)$ .pred
## ICE plots
scale_col_update <-
scale_color_manual (
values = c ("ICE Profiles" = "gray60" , "Rough model (with SE)" = "blue" ),
labels = c ("ICE Profiles" , "Rough model" ),
name = ""
ice_pm_ceteris <- g_ice (rs_pm, centered = F, show_PDP = F,
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 ))
ice_pm <- g_ice (rs_pm, centered = T, show_PDP = T,
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 ))
::: {.panel-tabset}
### Rough
ice_pm_ceteris$ continuous + theme_facets
ice_pm_ceteris$ discrete
### Rough: centered
#| message: FALSE
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
ice_pm$ continuous + scale_col_update + theme_facets
#| message: FALSE
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
ice_pm$ discrete + scale_col_update + theme_facets
### Rough vs direct 1st order
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
#| fig-show: hold
# comparison plot
comp_xgb_bayes <- g_comparison (
sculptures = list (rs_pm, rs_pm_xgb_fo),
descriptions = c ("Rough Model" , "Direct Additive XGB" ),
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 )
comp_xgb_bayes$ continuous + theme_facets
comp_xgb_bayes$ discrete
### Detailed vs rough
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
#| fig-show: hold
# compare detailed and rough
comp_ds <-
g_comparison (
sculptures = list (rs_pm, ds_pm),
descriptions = c ("Rough Model" , "Detailed Model" ),
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 )
comp_ds$ continuous + theme_facets
comp_ds$ discrete + theme_facets
### Polished vs rough
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
#| fig-show: hold
# compare detailed and rough
comp_ps <-
g_comparison (
sculptures = list (rs_pm, ps_pm),
descriptions = c ("Rough Model" , "Polished Model" ),
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 )
comp_ps$ continuous + theme_facets
comp_ps$ discrete + theme_facets
## Data density
#| fig-width: 10
#| fig-height: 8
#| fig-show: hold
g_density_plots <- g_density_ice_plot_list (ps_pm,
dd$ data$ train,
var_names = dd$ covariates$ all,
var_labels = dd$ covariates$ labels,
task = dd$ task)
cov_cont_ps <- intersect (dd$ covariates$ continuous, names (ps_pm))
cov_disc_ps <- intersect (dd$ covariates$ discrete, names (ps_pm))
patchwork:: wrap_plots (g_density_plots[cov_cont_ps], ncol = 2 )
patchwork:: wrap_plots (g_density_plots[cov_disc_ps], ncol = 2 )
## Additivity evaluation
p1 <- predict (xgb, new_data = pm)$ .pred
p2 <- predict (xgb, new_data = dd$ data$ train)$ .pred
p3 <- predict (rs_pm, pm)
p4 <- predict (rs_train, dd$ data$ train)
g_additivity (
sp = list (p3, p4),
lp = list (p1, p2),
descriptions = c ("Product Marginals" , "Train Set" )
) +
labs (x = "Rough Model Predictions" , y = "Strong Learner Predictions" ) +
## Variable importance
::: {.panel-tabset}
### pm
#| fig-width: 9
#| fig-height: 6
vi_pm <- g_var_imp (rs_pm, show_pdp_plot = FALSE , textsize = 16 , var_imp_type = "ice" )
plot (vi_pm)
### train
#| fig-width: 9
#| fig-height: 6
vi_train <- g_var_imp (rs_train, show_pdp_plot = FALSE , textsize = 16 , var_imp_type = "ice" )
plot (vi_train)
## Calibration
preds_sculptures <- tibble (
obs = dd$ data$ holdout[[dd$ response]],
xgb = predict (xgb, new_data = dd$ data$ holdout)$ .pred,
rm = predict (rs_pm, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
pm = predict (ps_pm, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
dir = predict (xgb_fo, new_data = dd$ data$ holdout)$ .pred
) %>%
pivot_longer (
cols = - obs,
names_to = "Model" ,
values_to = "pred"
) %>%
mutate (
Model = c (
"xgb" = "XGBoost" , "rm" = "Rough Model" ,
"pm" = "Polished Model" , "dir" = "Direct Additive XGBoost"
Model = factor (
levels = c (
"XGBoost" , "Rough Model" , "Polished Model" , "Direct Additive XGBoost"
calib_plot_sculptures <- ggplot (preds_sculptures) +
geom_smooth (aes (x = pred, y = obs, colour = Model), se = F, method = "gam" , formula = y~ x) +
geom_abline (linetype = "dashed" ) +
labs (x = "Prediction" , y = "Truth" ) +
theme_bw () +
theme (text = element_text (size = 18 ))
# Compare with linear models
## Load and sculpt
#| warning: FALSE
elastic <- load_model_if_trained ("lm_elastic" )
lasso <- load_model_if_trained ("lm_lasso" )
ridge <- load_model_if_trained ("lm_ridge" )
dm_linm <- define_model (type = "lm" , data_info = dd)
linm <- fit (dm_linm$ workflow, data = dd$ data$ train)
tg_linm <- fit_resamples (dm_linm$ workflow, dd$ cv)
#| warning: FALSE
# sculptures on pm from different models
rs_pm_elastic <- sculpt_rough (
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (elastic, new_data = x)$ .pred
rs_pm_lasso <- sculpt_rough (
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (lasso, new_data = x)$ .pred
rs_pm_ridge <- sculpt_rough (
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (ridge, new_data = x)$ .pred
rs_pm_linm <- sculpt_rough (
seed = 1234 ,
model_predict_fun = function (x) {
predict (linm, new_data = x)$ .pred
## ICE
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 6
#| fig-show: hold
comp_models <- g_comparison (
sculptures = list (rs_pm_elastic, rs_pm_lasso, rs_pm_ridge, rs_pm_linm, ps_pm),
descriptions = c ("Elastic Net" , "Lasso" , "Ridge" , "Logistic Regression" , "Polished" ),
facet_spec = facet_specification (ncol = 3 )
comp_models$ continuous + theme_facets
comp_models$ discrete + theme_facets
## Calibration
preds_models <- tibble (
obs = dd$ data$ holdout[[dd$ response]],
xgbPol = predict (ps_pm, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
linm = predict (rs_pm_linm, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
elastic = predict (rs_pm_elastic, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
lasso = predict (rs_pm_lasso, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout),
ridge = predict (rs_pm_ridge, newdata = dd$ data$ holdout)
) %>%
pivot_longer (
cols = - obs,
names_to = "Model" ,
values_to = "pred"
) %>%
mutate (
Model = c (
"xgbPol" = "Polished" ,
"linm" = "Logistic" , "elastic" = "Elastic Net" , "lasso" = "Lasso" , "ridge" = "Ridge"
# calibration plot on holdout based on pm sculptures of different linear models
calib_plot_models <- ggplot (preds_models) +
geom_smooth (aes (x = pred, y = obs, colour = Model), se = F, method = "gam" , formula = y~ x) +
geom_abline (linetype = "dashed" ) +
labs (x = "Prediction" , y = "Truth" ) +
theme_bw () +
theme (text = element_text (size = 18 ))
# Session info
devtools:: session_info ()