Source code for scimilarity.interpreter

from torch import nn
from typing import Optional, Union

[docs]class SimpleDist(nn.Module): """Calculates the distance between representations""" def __init__(self, encoder: "torch.nn.Module"): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- encoder: torch.nn.Module The encoder pytorch object. """ super().__init__() self.encoder = encoder
[docs] def forward( self, anchors: "torch.Tensor", negatives: "torch.Tensor", ): """Forward. Parameters ---------- anchors: torch.Tensor Tensor for anchor or positive cells. negatives: torch.Tensor Tensor for negative cells. Returns ------- float Sum of squares distance for the encoded tensors. """ f_anc = self.encoder(anchors) f_neg = self.encoder(negatives) return ((f_neg - f_anc) ** 2).sum(dim=1)
[docs]class Interpreter: """A class that interprets significant genes.""" def __init__( self, encoder: "torch.nn.Module", gene_order: list, ): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- encoder: torch.nn.Module The encoder pytorch object. gene_order: list The list of genes. Examples -------- >>> interpreter = Interpreter(CellEmbedding("/opt/data/model").model) """ from captum.attr import IntegratedGradients self.encoder = encoder self.dist_ig = IntegratedGradients(SimpleDist(self.encoder)) self.gene_order = gene_order
[docs] def get_attributions( self, anchors: Union["torch.Tensor", "numpy.ndarray", "scipy.sparse.csr_matrix"], negatives: Union["torch.Tensor", "numpy.ndarray", "scipy.sparse.csr_matrix"], ) -> "numpy.ndarray": """Returns attributions, which can later be aggregated. High attributions for genes that are expressed more highly in the anchor and that affect the distance between anchors and negatives strongly. Parameters ---------- anchors: numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, torch.Tensor Tensor for anchor or positive cells. negatives: numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, torch.Tensor Tensor for negative cells. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2D numpy array of attributions [num_cells x num_genes]. Examples -------- >>> attr = interpreter.get_attributions(anchors, negatives) """ import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix import torch assert anchors.shape == negatives.shape if isinstance(anchors, np.ndarray): anc = torch.Tensor(anchors) elif isinstance(anchors, csr_matrix): anc = torch.Tensor(anchors.todense()) else: anc = anchors if isinstance(negatives, np.ndarray): neg = torch.Tensor(negatives) elif isinstance(negatives, csr_matrix): neg = torch.Tensor(negatives.todense()) else: neg = negatives # Check if model is on gpu device if next(self.encoder.parameters()).is_cuda: anc = anc.cuda() neg = neg.cuda() # attribute l2_dist(anchors, negatives) attr = self.dist_ig.attribute( anc, baselines=neg, # integrate from negatives to anchors additional_forward_args=neg, ) attr *= anc > neg attr = +attr.abs() # signs unreliable, so use absolute value of attributions if next(self.encoder.parameters()).is_cuda: return attr.detach().cpu().numpy() return attr.detach().numpy()
[docs] def get_ranked_genes(self, attrs: "numpy.ndarray") -> "pandas.DataFrame": """Get the ranked gene list based on highest attributions. Parameters ---------- attr: numpy.ndarray Attributions matrix. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the ranked attributions for each gene Examples -------- >>> attrs_df = interpreter.get_ranked_genes(attrs) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd mean_attrs = attrs.mean(axis=0) idx = mean_attrs.argsort()[::-1] df = { "gene": np.array(self.gene_order)[idx], "gene_idx": idx, "attribution": mean_attrs[idx], "attribution_std": attrs.std(axis=0)[idx], "cells": attrs.shape[0], } return pd.DataFrame(df)
[docs] def plot_ranked_genes( self, attrs_df: "pandas.DataFrame", n_plot: int = 15, filename: Optional[str] = None, ): """Plot the ranked gene attributions. Parameters ---------- attrs_df: pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of ranked attributions. n_plot: int The number of top genes to plot. filename: str, optional The filename to save to plot as. Examples -------- >>> interpreter.plot_ranked_genes(attrs_df) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import seaborn as sns mpl.rcParams["pdf.fonttype"] = 42 df = attrs_df.head(n_plot) ci = 1.96 * df["attribution_std"] / np.sqrt(df["cells"]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5, 2), dpi=200) sns.barplot(ax=ax, data=df, x="gene", y="attribution", hue="gene", dodge=False) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", labelsize=8, labelrotation=90) ax.errorbar( df["gene"].values, df["attribution"].values, yerr=ci, ecolor="black", fmt="none", ) if ax.get_legend() is not None: ax.get_legend().remove() if filename: # save the figure fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight")