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This vignette shows a complete example for how to fit a custom longitudinal model. Note that full details for the various different interfaces can be found in the “Extending jmpost” vignette. This example implements the Wang, Sung et al. 2009 mixed exponential decay and linear growth model along with an exponential survival model. In particular the following model will be implemented:

Longitudinal Model: yi(t)N(μi(t),σ2)μi(t)=biesit+gitbiLogNormal(μb,σb)siLogNormal(μs,σs)giLogNormal(μg,σg) \begin{align} y_{i}(t) &\sim N\left(\mu_i(t),\ \sigma^2\right) \\ \\ \mu_i(t) &= b_i e^{-s_it} + g_i t \\ \\ b_i &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_b,\ \sigma_b) \\ s_i &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_s,\ \sigma_s) \\ g_i &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_g,\ \sigma_g) \\ \end{align}

Where: * ii is the subject index * yi(t)y_{i}(t) is the observed tumour size measurement for subject ii at time tt * μi(t)\mu_i(t) is the expected tumour size measurement for subject ii at time tt * bib_i is the subject baseline tumour size measurement * sis_i is the subject kinetics shrinkage parameter * gig_i is the subject kinetics tumour growth parameter * μθ\mu_{\theta} is the population mean for parameter θ\theta * ωθ\omega_{\theta} is the population standard deviation for parameter θ\theta.

Survival Model: log(hi(t))=log(λ0)+Xiβ+G(tbi,si,gi) \log(h_i(t)) = \log(\lambda_0) + X_i \beta + G(t \mid b_i, s_i, g_i)


  • λ0\lambda_0 is the baseline hazard rate. This is because for this example we are using an exponential survival model e.g. h0(t)=λ0h_0(t) = \lambda_0
  • tt is the event time
  • G(.)G(.) is a link function that maps the subjects tumour growth parameters to a contribution to the log-hazard function
  • XiX_i is the subjects covariate design matrix
  • β\beta is the corresponding coefficients vector to scale the design matrix covariates contribution to the log-hazard function

For this example we will just consider the derivative of the growth function as the link function, e.g. G(tbi,si,gi)=sibiesit+gi G(t \mid b_i, s_i, g_i) = -s_i b_i e^{-s_i t} + g_i

To keep the example simple, a number of features that have been implemented in the package’s
internal models will be skipped; you may wish to consider adding these if implementing this model in a real project. In particular the following have been omitted from this example:

  • Handling for censored observations (e.g. observations that are below the limit of quantification)
  • Separate populations per study / arm
  • Non-centred parameterisation for the hierarchical parameters (this parameterisation leads to better performance if you have small numbers of observations per each subject).
  • Handling negative observation time (e.g. observations that are taken before the start of the study)

For reference the following libraries will be used during this example:

#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggpp':
#>   method                  from   
#>   heightDetails.titleGrob ggplot2
#>   widthDetails.titleGrob  ggplot2
#> CmdStan path set to: /root/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.36.0
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> This is loo version 2.8.0
#> - Online documentation and vignettes at
#> - As of v2.0.0 loo defaults to 1 core but we recommend using as many as possible. Use the 'cores' argument or set options(mc.cores = NUM_CORES) for an entire session.

Generating Simulated Data

In order to be confident that our model is working correctly we will first generate some simulated data. This will allow us to compare the true parameter values with the estimated parameter values. This can be done using the SimJointData constructor function as follows:

# Define our simulation parameters + object
SimWang <- setClass(
    contains = "SimLongitudinal",
    slots = c(
        times = "numeric",
        mu_b = "numeric",
        mu_s = "numeric",
        mu_g = "numeric",
        omega_b = "numeric",
        omega_s = "numeric",
        omega_g = "numeric",
        sigma = "numeric",
        link_dsld = "numeric"

# Method to generate individual subjects parameters from the hierarchical distributions
sampleSubjects.SimWang <- function(object, subjects_df) {
    nsub <- nrow(subjects_df)
    subjects_df$b <- stats::rlnorm(nsub, log(object@mu_b), object@omega_b)
    subjects_df$s <- stats::rlnorm(nsub, log(object@mu_s), object@omega_s)
    subjects_df$g <- stats::rlnorm(nsub, log(object@mu_g), object@omega_g)

# Method to generate observations for each individual subject
sampleObservations.SimWang <- function(object, times_df) {
    nobs <- nrow(times_df)
    calc_mu <- function(time, b, s, g) b * exp(-s * time) + g * time
    calc_dsld <- function(time, b, s, g) -s * b * exp(-s * time) + g

    times_df$mu_sld <- calc_mu(times_df$time, times_df$b, times_df$s, times_df$g)
    times_df$dsld <- calc_dsld(times_df$time, times_df$b, times_df$s, times_df$g)
    times_df$sld <- stats::rnorm(nobs, times_df$mu_sld, object@sigma)
    times_df$log_haz_link <- object@link_dsld * times_df$dsld

# Generate simulated data
joint_data_sim <- SimJointData(
    design = list(SimGroup(80, "Arm-A", "Study-X")),
    survival = SimSurvivalExponential(
        lambda = (1 / 400) * 365,
        time_max = 4,
        time_step = 1 / 365,
        lambda_censor = 1 / 9000,
        beta_cat = c("A" = 0, "B" = -0.1, "C" = 0.5),
        beta_cont = 0.3
    longitudinal = SimWang(
        times = c(1, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600,
                800, 1000, 1300, 1600) / 365,
        mu_b = 60,
        mu_s = 2,
        mu_g = 10,
        omega_b = 0.3,
        omega_s = 0.3,
        omega_g = 0.3,
        sigma = 1.5,
        link_dsld = 0.2
    .silent = TRUE

dat_lm <- joint_data_sim@longitudinal
dat_os <- joint_data_sim@survival

# Select 6 random subjects to plot
dat_lm_plot <- dat_lm |>
    filter(subject %in% sample(dat_os$subject, 6))

ggplot(dat_lm_plot, aes(x = time, y = sld, group = subject, color = subject)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point() +
    labs(x = "Time (years)", y = "Tumour Size", col = "Subject") +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

Defining the Longitudinal Model

The longitudinal model can be implemented by extending the LongitudinalModel class. This can be done as follows:

WangModel <- setClass(
    contains = "LongitudinalModel"

longmodel <- WangModel(
        name = "Wang",
        stan = StanModule("custom-model.stan"),
        parameters = ParameterList(
            Parameter(name = "mu_baseline", prior = prior_lognormal(log(60), 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "mu_shrinkage", prior = prior_lognormal(log(2), 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "mu_growth", prior = prior_lognormal(log(10), 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "sigma_baseline", prior = prior_lognormal(0.3, 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "sigma_shrinkage", prior = prior_lognormal(0.3, 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "sigma_growth", prior = prior_lognormal(0.3, 1), size = 1),
            Parameter(name = "sigma", prior = prior_lognormal(1.5, 1), size = 1),
            # The following is only required if we want jmpost to generate
            # initial values automatically for us
                name = "baseline_idv",
                prior = prior_init_only(prior_lognormal(log(60), 1)),
                size = "n_subjects"
                name = "shrinkage_idv",
                prior = prior_init_only(prior_lognormal(log(2), 1)),
                size = "n_subjects"
                name = "growth_idv",
                prior = prior_init_only(prior_lognormal(log(10), 1)),
                size = "n_subjects"

Please note that the parameters argument is used to specify the priors for the model and that the name argument for the Parameter’s objects must match the name of the parameter used within the corresponding Stan code.

The StanModule object contains all of the stan code used to implement the model. For this particular model the Stan code specified in the custom-model.stan file is as follows:

functions {
    // Expected tumour size value
    vector sld(vector tumour_time, vector baseline, vector shrinkage, vector growth) {
        vector[rows(tumour_time)] tumour_value;
        tumour_value = baseline .* exp(- shrinkage .* tumour_time)  +
                       growth .* tumour_time;
        return tumour_value;

    // Declare individual subject parameters
    vector<lower=0>[n_subjects] baseline_idv;
    vector<lower=0>[n_subjects] shrinkage_idv;
    vector<lower=0>[n_subjects] growth_idv;

    // Declare population level parameters
    real<lower=0> mu_baseline;
    real<lower=0> mu_shrinkage;
    real<lower=0> mu_growth;
    real<lower=0> sigma_baseline;
    real<lower=0> sigma_shrinkage;
    real<lower=0> sigma_growth;

    // Declare standard deviation for the overall model error
    real<lower=0> sigma;

transformed parameters{

    // Calculated the fitted Tumour values
    vector[n_tumour_all] Ypred = sld(

    // Calculate per observation log-likelihood for {loo} integration
    // These values are automatically added to the target for you
    long_obvs_log_lik = vect_normal_log_dens(
        rep_vector(sigma, n_tumour_all) // broadcast sigma to the length of Ypred

model {
    // Define the heirarchical relationship between the individual
    // and population level parameters
    baseline_idv ~ lognormal(log(mu_baseline), sigma_baseline);
    shrinkage_idv ~ lognormal(log(mu_shrinkage), sigma_shrinkage);
    growth_idv ~ lognormal(log(mu_growth), sigma_growth);

As stated in the introduction, the link function for this model is going to be the derivative of the growth function. This can be implemented in using the jmpost framework as follows:

enableLink.WangModel <- function(object, ...) {
    object@stan <- merge(

link <- LinkComponent(
    stan = StanModule("custom-model-dsld.stan"),
    prior = prior_normal(0, 1),
    key = "link_dsld"

Where the Stan code for the custom-model-enable-link.stan file is as follows:

transformed parameters {
    // Define matrix required for link functions
    matrix[n_subjects, 3] link_function_inputs;
    link_function_inputs[,1] = baseline_idv;
    link_function_inputs[,2] = shrinkage_idv;
    link_function_inputs[,3] = growth_idv;

And the Stan code for the custom-model-dsld.stan file is as follows:

functions {
    // Provide definition for the dsld link function
    matrix link_dsld_contrib(matrix time, matrix link_function_inputs) {
        int nrow = rows(time);
        int ncol = cols(time);
        // broadcast input vectors to match the size of the time matrix
        matrix[nrow, ncol] baseline = rep_matrix(link_function_inputs[,1], ncol);
        matrix[nrow, ncol] shrinkage = rep_matrix(link_function_inputs[,2], ncol);
        matrix[nrow, ncol] growth = rep_matrix(link_function_inputs[,3], ncol);
        return growth - baseline .* shrinkage .* exp(- shrinkage .* time);

Note that as only one link function has been defined the enableLink method is not strictly necessary and the Stan code it contains could have been implemented directly in the stan slot of the LinkComponent object. However, if you have multiple link functions the enableLink method is required to avoid duplicating the implementation of the link_function_inputs matrix.

Sampling the Joint model

With our longitudinal model defined we can now specify and sample from the full joint model.

model <- JointModel(
    longitudinal = longmodel,
    survival = SurvivalExponential(lambda = prior_gamma(1, 1)),
    link = link

joint_data <- DataJoint(
    subject = DataSubject(
        data = dat_os,
        subject = "subject",
        arm = "arm",
        study = "study"
    survival = DataSurvival(
        data = dat_os,
        formula = Surv(time, event) ~ cov_cat + cov_cont
    longitudinal = DataLongitudinal(
        data = dat_lm,
        formula = sld ~ time

model_samples <- sampleStanModel(
    data = joint_data,
    iter_warmup = 800,
    iter_sampling = 1000,
    chains = 1,
    refresh = 0,
    parallel_chains = 1
#> Running MCMC with 1 chain...
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: gamma_lpdf: Random variable is 0, but must be positive finite! (in '/tmp/RtmpspmoJ2/model-101c397602c8.stan', line 507, column 4 to column 79)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: gamma_lpdf: Random variable is 0, but must be positive finite! (in '/tmp/RtmpspmoJ2/model-101c397602c8.stan', line 507, column 4 to column 79)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: gamma_lpdf: Random variable is 0, but must be positive finite! (in '/tmp/RtmpspmoJ2/model-101c397602c8.stan', line 507, column 4 to column 79)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: lognormal_lpdf: Scale parameter is 0, but must be positive finite! (in '/tmp/RtmpspmoJ2/model-101c397602c8.stan', line 484, column 4 to column 63)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1
#> Chain 1 Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be rejected because of the following issue:
#> Chain 1 Exception: gamma_lpdf: Random variable is 0, but must be positive finite! (in '/tmp/RtmpspmoJ2/model-101c397602c8.stan', line 507, column 4 to column 79)
#> Chain 1 If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,
#> Chain 1 but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely ill-conditioned or misspecified.
#> Chain 1
#> Chain 1 finished in 9.4 seconds.

vars <- c(
    "mu_baseline", "mu_shrinkage", "mu_growth", "sigma",
    "link_dsld", "sm_exp_lambda"
#> # A tibble: 6 × 10
#>   variable       mean median     sd    mad     q5    q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
#>   <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 mu_baseline  61.7   61.7   2.10   2.05   58.3   65.0   1.00     1630.     481.
#> 2 mu_shrinkage  2.04   2.04  0.0675 0.0658  1.93   2.15  1.00     1199.     721.
#> 3 mu_growth    10.2   10.2   0.288  0.279   9.75  10.7   1.00     1873.     690.
#> 4 sigma         1.52   1.52  0.0435 0.0441  1.45   1.60  1.00      863.     631.
#> 5 link_dsld     0.219  0.218 0.0260 0.0259  0.178  0.263 1.00     1527.     787.
#> 6 sm_exp_lamb…  1.01   0.998 0.207  0.207   0.682  1.36  0.999     850.     548.

Generating Quantities of Interest

In order to enable the generation of both population and individual level quantities of interest we need to implement the required generated quantity objects and functions as outlined in the “Extending jmpost” vignette.

This can be done as follows:

enableGQ.WangModel <- function(object, ...) {

Where the Stan code for the custom-model-gq.stan file is as follows:

functions {
    // Define required function for enabling generated quantities
    vector lm_predict_value(vector time, matrix long_gq_parameters) {
        return sld(
            long_gq_parameters[,1],  // baseline
            long_gq_parameters[,2],  // shrinkage
            long_gq_parameters[,3]   // growth

generated quantities {
    // Enable individual subject predictions / quantities e.g.
    // `GridFixed()` / `GridObservation()` / `GridGrouped()` / `GridEven
    matrix[n_subjects, 3] long_gq_parameters;
    long_gq_parameters[, 1] = baseline_idv;
    long_gq_parameters[, 2] = shrinkage_idv;
    long_gq_parameters[, 3] = growth_idv;

    // Enable Population level predictions / quantities by taking the median of the
    // hierarchical distribution e.g. `GridPopulation()`
    matrix[gq_n_quant, 3] long_gq_pop_parameters;
    long_gq_pop_parameters[, 1] = rep_vector(mu_baseline, gq_n_quant);
    long_gq_pop_parameters[, 2] = rep_vector(mu_shrinkage, gq_n_quant);
    long_gq_pop_parameters[, 3] = rep_vector(mu_growth, gq_n_quant);

With the above in place we are now able to generate quantities as needed; this can be done at the subject level via:

selected_subjects <- head(dat_os$subject, 4)
long_quantities_idv <- LongitudinalQuantities(
    grid = GridFixed(subjects = selected_subjects)

Or at the population level via:

long_quantities_pop <- LongitudinalQuantities(
    grid = GridPopulation()