This lightweight package describes how to conduct clone-censor weighting (CCW) to address the problem of immortal time bias in survival analysis. This vignette will walk through the applied tutorial published by Maringe et al 2020. Refer to Gaber et al 2024 for more details on CCW in practice and to Hernan and Robins 2016 for more technical details.
CCW is useful in the presence of immortal person-time bias in observational studies. For instance, when comparing surgery recipients vs non-recipients in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the surgery group will have a longer survival time than the non-surgery group because the non-surgery group includes patients who died before they could receive surgery. This is a form of immortal time bias.
The CCW toy dataset published by Maringe uses this exact setting as
the motivating example. Let’s explore the dataset, which comes with
library(DT) # For better printing of data.frames
head(dummy_data) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
Column descriptions can be found with ?dummy_data
Note that this package addresses situations in which the covariates are all defined at baseline.
The first step is to create the clones. This can be done for any
time-to-event outcome using the survivalCCW
. For create_clones
to work, we
need to pass a one-row-per-patient data.frame
with the
following columns:
). Note that additional
values are not yet permitted.timetoevent
). Must be (0) or (1),timetoexposure
)All other columns will be propogated for each patient. Let’s see what this looks like in practice.
# Create clones
clones <- create_clones(
df = dummy_data,
id = 'id',
event = 'event',
time_to_event = 'timetoevent',
exposure = 'exposure',
time_to_exposure = 'timetoexposure',
ced_window = 100
#> Updating 4 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
head(clones) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
Note that this object is just a data.frame
with an
additional custom class which future functions will evaluate:
#> [1] "ccw_clones" "data.frame"
You can visualize the censoring over time after you create the clones:
Now we simply need to cast the data to long format. The
function cast_to_long
will do this
for us. No additional arguments are needed (the clones
object is an artifact that allows you to better see and understand the
clones_long <- cast_clones_to_long(clones)
head(clones_long, row.names = FALSE) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
Let’s pick out a single patient and look at their data:
Now we simply need to generate the weights. The
function generate_ccw()
will do
this for us.
clones_long_weights <- generate_ccw(clones_long, predvars = c("cov1", "cov2"))
head(clones_long_weights) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
Let’s pick out a single patient and look at their data:
clones_long_weights[clones_long_weights$id == "pat3462", ] |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = TRUE
You can also visualize weights over time with
and mean values over time with
clones_long_weights |>
clones_long_weights |>
We now have everything we need to conduct a CCW analysis. For instance, we can pipe things together to evaluate the hazard ratio for surgery vs no surgery:
df <- dummy_data |>
id = 'id',
event = 'event',
time_to_event = 'timetoevent',
exposure = 'exposure',
time_to_exposure = 'timetoexposure',
ced_window = 100
) |>
cast_clones_to_long() |>
generate_ccw(c('cov1', 'cov2'))
#> Updating 4 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
coxph(Surv(t_start, t_stop, outcome) ~ clone, data = df, weights = weight_cox)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(t_start, t_stop, outcome) ~ clone, data = df,
#> weights = weight_cox)
#> coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z p
#> clone 0.2125 1.2368 0.1390 0.1900 1.119 0.263
#> Likelihood ratio test=2.33 on 1 df, p=0.1272
#> n= 32983, number of events= 119
Note that we used outcome
and not event
the coxph()
model. Still, there is of course a problem with
this analysis, as the cloning process renders the variance invalid. The
simplest approach to addressing this is to bootstrap the variance. I
have not made a function to do this yet, but leave the below as an
example of how to do this.
#> Attaching package: 'boot'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:survival':
#> aml
boot_cox <- function(data, indices) {
# Make long data.frame with weights
ccw_df <- data[indices, ] |>
id = 'id',
event = 'event',
time_to_event = 'timetoevent',
exposure = 'exposure',
time_to_exposure = 'timetoexposure',
ced_window = 100
) |>
cast_clones_to_long() |>
generate_ccw(c('cov1', 'cov2'))
# Extract HR from CoxPH
cox_ccw <- coxph(Surv(t_start, t_stop, outcome) ~ clone, data = ccw_df, weights = weight_cox)
hr <- cox_ccw |>
coef() |>
out <- c("hr" = hr)
# Create survfit objects for each of treated and untreated
surv_1 <- survfit(Surv(t_start, t_stop, outcome) ~ 1L, data = ccw_df[ccw_df$clone == 1, ], weights = weight_cox)
surv_0 <- survfit(Surv(t_start, t_stop, outcome) ~ 1L, data = ccw_df[ccw_df$clone == 0, ], weights = weight_cox)
# RMST difference
rmst_1 <- surv_1 |>
summary(rmean = 365) |>
(\(summary) summary$table)() |>
(\(table) table["rmean"])()
rmst_0 <- surv_0 |>
summary(rmean = 365) |>
(\(summary) summary$table)() |>
(\(table) table["rmean"])()
rmst_diff <- rmst_1 - rmst_0
out <- c(out, "rmst_diff" = rmst_diff)
# 1-year survival difference
# Find the index of the time point closest to 1 year
index_1yr_1 <- which.min(abs(surv_1$time - 365))
index_1yr_0 <- which.min(abs(surv_0$time - 365))
# Get the 1-year survival probabilities
surv_1_1yr <- surv_1$surv[index_1yr_1]
surv_0_1yr <- surv_0$surv[index_1yr_0]
surv_diff_1yr <- surv_1_1yr - surv_0_1yr
out <- c(out, "surv_diff_1yr" = surv_diff_1yr)
boot_out <- boot(data = dummy_data, statistic = boot_cox, R = 10)
#> Updating 4 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 3 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 7 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 4 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 1 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 5 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 5 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 8 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 5 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 2 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> Updating 2 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window, type = "norm", index = 1)
#> Based on 10 bootstrap replicates
#> CALL :
#> = boot_out, type = "norm", index = 1)
#> Intervals :
#> Level Normal
#> 95% ( 1.013, 1.609 )
#> Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale, type = "norm", index = 2)
#> Based on 10 bootstrap replicates
#> CALL :
#> = boot_out, type = "norm", index = 2)
#> Intervals :
#> Level Normal
#> 95% (-52.68, 4.70 )
#> Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale, type = "norm", index = 3)
#> Based on 10 bootstrap replicates
#> CALL :
#> = boot_out, type = "norm", index = 3)
#> Intervals :
#> Level Normal
#> 95% (-0.1783, 0.1729 )
#> Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
The extension of the package functionality to issues of competing risks is trivial. We keep our outcome variable as an integer but add additional values.
dummy_data$competing <- sample(0:2, nrow(dummy_data), replace = TRUE)
head(dummy_data) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
We can then conduct the same analysis as before, but with the
variable as the outcome. The bootstrapped
analysis is not shown, but you can see that hte same approach can be
compete_ccw <- dummy_data |>
id = 'id',
event = 'competing',
time_to_event = 'timetoevent',
exposure = 'exposure',
time_to_exposure = 'timetoexposure',
ced_window = 100
) |>
cast_clones_to_long() |>
generate_ccw(c('cov1', 'cov2'))
#> Updating 4 patients' exposure and time-to-exposure based on CED window
#> 0 1 2
#> 32828 75 80
head(compete_ccw) |>
rownames = FALSE,
options = list(
scrollX = TRUE,
paging = FALSE
You can trim/winsorize extreme weights using the
compete_ccw_trim <- compete_ccw |>
winsorize_ccw_weights(quantiles = c(0.10, 0.90))
#> [1] 2.931628
#> [1] 2.610912
Hernán, Miguel A., and James M. Robins. “Using big data to emulate a target trial when a randomized trial is not available.” American journal of epidemiology 183.8 (2016): 758-764.
Gaber, Charles E., et al. “The Clone-Censor-Weight Method in Pharmacoepidemiologic Research: Foundations and Methodological Implementation.” Current Epidemiology Reports (2024): 1-11.
Maringe, Camille, et al. “Reflection on modern methods: trial emulation in the presence of immortal-time bias. Assessing the benefit of major surgery for elderly lung cancer patients using observational data.” International journal of epidemiology 49.5 (2020): 1719-1729.