Searching for IPF-derived myofibroblasts across 23.4M cells#

This tutorial is to familiarize users with SCimilarity’s basic cell search functionality.

System requirements:

  • At least 64GB of RAM

0. Required software and data#

Things you need for this demo:

  1. SCimilarity package should already be installed.

  2. SCimilarity trained model. Download SCimilarity models. Note, this is a large tarball - downloading and uncompressing can take a several minutes.

  3. Query data. We will use Adams et al., 2020 healthy and IPF lung scRNA-seq data. Download tutorial data.

If the model hasn’t been downloaded please uncomment and run the two command below:

# curl -L -o /models/model_v1.1.tar.gz \
# !tar -xzvf /models/model_v1.1.tar.gz

If the data hasn’t been downloaded please uncomment and run the two command below:

# !curl -L -o '/data/GSE136831_subsample.h5ad' \
import scanpy as sc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [6, 4]

import warnings


1. Prepare for SCimilarity: Import and normalize data#

from scimilarity.utils import lognorm_counts, align_dataset
from scimilarity import CellQuery

Import SCimilarity - Cell query object#

# Instantiate the CellQuery object
# Set model_path to the location of the uncompressed model
model_path = "/models/model_v1.1"
cq = CellQuery(model_path)

Load scRNA-seq data#

# Load the tutorial data
# Set data_path to the location of the tutorial dataset
data_path = "/data/GSE136831_subsample.h5ad"
adams =

SCimilarity pre-processing#

SCimilarity requires new data to be processed in a specific way that matches how the model was trained.

Match feature space with SCimilarity models#

SCimilarity’s gene expression ordering is fixed. New data should be reorderd to match that, so that it is consistent with how the model was trained. Genes that are not present in the new data will be zero filled to comply to the expected structure. Genes that are not present in SCimilarity’s gene ordering will be filtered out.

Note, SCimilarity was trained with high data dropout to increase robustness to differences in gene lists.

adams = align_dataset(adams, cq.gene_order)

Normalize data consistent with SCimilarity#

It is important to match Scimilarity’s normalization so that the data matches the lognorm tp10k procedure used during model training.

adams = lognorm_counts(adams)

With these simple steps, the data is now ready for SCimilarity. We are able to filter cells whenever we want (even after embedding) because SCimilarity handles each cell independently and can skip highly variable gene selection altogether.

2. Compute embeddings#

Using the already trained models, SCimilarity can embed your new dataset.

adams.obsm["X_scimilarity"] = cq.get_embeddings(adams.X)

Compute visualization of embeddings#

sc.pp.neighbors(adams, use_rep="X_scimilarity")

Visualize author annotations on the SCimilarity embedding#

Given that author annotations are derived from a different analysis, seeing author annotations roughly cluster in SCimilarity embedding space gives us confidence in our representation. The Adams et al. dataset was not included in the training set, meaning that this is the first time the model has seen this data, yet it is still able to represent the cells present.

[11]:, color="celltype_raw", legend_fontsize=5)

This dataset has cells sourced from IPF patients, COPD patients, and healthy individuals. Let’s assume we are studying the myofibroblasts in IPF patients and want to understand what other disease exhibit similar myofibroblasts. We can subset for IPF samples and check the expression of some canonical fibroblast and myofibroblast markers across different samples to ensure we pick a cell that we are confident is a myofibroblast.

marker_list = {
    "Fibroblast": ["COL1A1", "COL3A1", "DCN", "FBLN1", "FN1", "LUM", "THY1"],
    "Myofibroblast": ["CDH11", "COMP", "CTHRC1", "ELN", "POSTN", "TNC"],
    "Smooth Muscle": ["ACTA2", "ACTG2", "DES", "MYH11", "MYL9", "TAGLN"],

We selected cell 123942 from IPF sample DS000011735-GSM4058950 for our query and checked canonical markers to ensure we picked a high confidence myofibroblast.

adams_ipf = adams[adams.obs["Disease"] == "IPF"].copy()
adams_myofib = adams_ipf[adams_ipf.obs["celltype_name"] == "myofibroblast cell"].copy()
subsample = adams_myofib[adams_myofib.obs["sample"] == "DS000011735-GSM4058950"].copy()
subsample.obs["cell_id"] = subsample.obs.index

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
used_in_query = adams.obs.index == "123942"
adams.obs["used_in_query"] = used_in_query.astype(int)
f =, color=["used_in_query"], cmap="YlOrRd", return_fig=True)
f.axes[0].arrow(6.1, 10.5, 1, -1, head_width=0.5, head_length=0.5)
<matplotlib.patches.FancyArrow at 0x2aabc4545060>


This notebook outlines the basics of how to take a dataset, select a query cell, perform a cell search across our precomputed reference of 23.4M cells and summarize the results. You can use this as a template to expore cell states in other datasets you are interested in.

Keep in mind that the datasets that you analyze with SCimilarity should fit the following criteria: - Data generated from the 10x Genomics Chromium platform (models are trained using this data only). - Human scRNA-seq data. - Counts normalized with SCimilarity functions or using the same process. Different normalizations will have poor results.

Next: Advanced cell search using centroids#

This notebook demonstrated the basic cell search principle using SCimilarity. However, a single cell’s expression data is noisy and the query results from which can be highly variable even from identical cell types. This variability can be mitigated by searching using the centroid of many cells.

No matter if you search from a cell or a centroid, users must take caution to input a meaningful gene expression profile into SCimilarity’s query.

Check out the next tutorial to learn how to search cell centroids using SCimilarity!