Search using centroids and gene signatures#

The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate a more flexible method for cell search using centroids. Much of the early steps will be identical to the individual cell search tutorial and thus the explanations for those steps will be reduced for the sake of brevity. We will again use the Adams et al. 2020 healthy and IPF lung scRNA-seq data.

An important thing to note is that the cells input into the query are what determine the query results. The average of a scattered collection of cells will not bring meaningful results. There are some built-in quality controls stats you can use to evaluate the centroid quality and we will demonstrate them in this tutorial.

There will be two analyses shown for querying cells:

  1. Using a fibroblast signature, find cells of interest and perform cell search on their centroid.

  2. Using a non-specific signature, demonstrate how the QC stats indicate a poor centroid.

# Environment settings
import scanpy as sc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [6, 4]

import warnings


1. Prepare for SCimilarity: Import and normalize data#

from scimilarity.utils import lognorm_counts, align_dataset
from scimilarity import CellQuery
# If the models haven't been downloaded please uncomment and run the two command below
# !curl -L -o /models/query_model_v1.1.tar.gz \
# !tar -xzvf /models/query_model_v1.1.tar.gz
# Instantiate the CellQuery object
# Set model_path to the location of the uncompressed model
model_path = "/models/model_v1.1"
cq = CellQuery(model_path)

Load scRNA-seq data#

# To Download the demo data to the data/ directory uncomment and run the command below
# !curl -L -o "/data/GSE136831_subsample.h5ad" \
# Load and preprocess the tutorial data
# Set data_path to the location of the tutorial dataset
data_path = "/data/GSE136831_subsample.h5ad"
adams =
adams = align_dataset(adams, cq.gene_order)
adams = lognorm_counts(adams)

2. Compute embeddings#

Using the already trained models, SCimilarity can embed your new dataset.

adams.obsm["X_scimilarity"] = cq.get_embeddings(adams.X)
sc.pp.neighbors(adams, use_rep="X_scimilarity")
[9]:, color="celltype_raw", legend_fontsize=5)

3. Identify query cell states#

The more coherent and specific the query cell population is, the more interesting the results typically are. Cell states/subtypes are usually more interesting.

In this example, we do not need cell type information to identify query cells, rather we will use a gene signature for fibroblasts and a non-specific signature to illustrate the QC metrics we use to evaluate centroid quality.

# Score fibroblast signature
fibro_signature = [
], fibro_signature, score_name="fibro_score")

# Score non-specific signature
nonspecific_signature = [
], nonspecific_signature, score_name="nonspecific_score")
# Select fibroblast population
sig_query_threshold = adams.obs["fibro_score"].quantile(0.999)
cells_used_in_query = adams.obs["fibro_score"] >= sig_query_threshold
adams.obs["used_in_fibro_query"] = cells_used_in_query.astype(int)

# Select non-specific population
sig_query_threshold = adams.obs["nonspecific_score"].quantile(0.999)
cells_used_in_query = adams.obs["nonspecific_score"] >= sig_query_threshold
adams.obs["used_in_nonspecific_query"] = cells_used_in_query.astype(int)

As we are performing the search on a centroid, we very much want a tight collection of cells on which to calculate the centroid. Here we visualize the collection of cells to check coherence. These cells should ideally come from the same cluster and homogenous.

[12]:, color=["fibro_score", "nonspecific_score"])
    adams, color=["used_in_fibro_query", "used_in_nonspecific_query"], cmap="YlOrRd"

4. Perform cell search on centroid#

The centroid search method provides statistics with which you can evaluate the quality of the centroid and search results.

Quality control statistics:

  • query_coherence: consistency of query results between the centroid and cells that comprise the centroid.

# Fibroblast query
centroid_embedding, nn_idxs, nn_dists, fibro_results_metadata, qc_stats = (
    cq.search_centroid_nearest(adams, "used_in_fibro_query")
{'query_coherence': 77.0}
# Non-specific query
centroid_embedding, nn_idxs, nn_dists, nonspecific_results_metadata, qc_stats = (
    cq.search_centroid_nearest(adams, "used_in_nonspecific_query")
{'query_coherence': 3.7}
def calculate_disease_proportions(metadata):
    study_proportions = metadata.disease.value_counts()
    return 100 * study_proportions / study_proportions.sum()

def plot_proportions(df, title=None):
    ax = df.plot(
        kind="barh", xlabel="percent of cells", title=title, grid=False, figsize=(8, 5)
    ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=8)
    ax.set_xticklabels([f"{int(tick)}%" for tick in ax.get_xticks()])

Exclude self-referencing results#

Naturally, searching for similar cells will highlight cells from the same study. To get a clearer view of the results, we often exclude self-referencing hits.

# Plot fibroblast query results
query_study = "DS000011735"
filtered_result_metadata = fibro_results_metadata[ != query_study
query_disease_frequencies = calculate_disease_proportions(filtered_result_metadata)
    query_disease_frequencies, title="disease proportions for most similar cells"
# Plot non-specific query results
query_study = "DS000011735"
filtered_result_metadata = nonspecific_results_metadata[ != query_study
index study sample prediction fm_signature_score n_genes_by_counts total_counts total_counts_mt pct_counts_mt prediction_nn_dist ... ESC-derived xenograft tissue cell_line_cleaned disease FACS_sort sex_cleaned author_label embedding_idx query_nn_dist
2652 15863935 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D231 alveolar macrophage 0.297342 2957.0 7937.0 1003.0 12.637017 -2.384186e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.034953
3113 9098215 GSE128169 GSM3666105 macrophage 0.045086 3770.0 17756.0 1092.0 6.150034 1.689977e-02 ... False False lung NA interstitial lung disease NA NA NA 0 0.035520
3265 16529736 a3ffde6c-7ad2-498a-903c-d58e732f7470 GTEX-13N11 alveolar macrophage 0.346360 1373.0 2684.0 328.0 12.220566 -1.192093e-07 ... NA NA lingula of left lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.035689
4157 15864492 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D231 alveolar macrophage 0.133228 2476.0 5157.0 402.0 7.795230 -2.384186e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.036569
5334 5862536 GSE158127 GSM4792476 macrophage 0.611310 1728.0 4587.0 630.0 13.734467 1.566196e-02 ... False False lung parenchyma NA COVID-19 CD31+ NA NA 0 0.037533
6407 15864058 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D231 alveolar macrophage 0.053793 3258.0 9468.0 764.0 8.069286 1.192093e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.038293
6473 15864421 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D231 alveolar macrophage 0.431965 2457.0 5954.0 729.0 12.243870 0.000000e+00 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.038344
7108 15867708 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D062 alveolar macrophage 0.339325 3580.0 9310.0 290.0 3.114930 0.000000e+00 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.038765
7375 8752668 GSE161685 GSM4912703 alveolar macrophage -0.227844 1636.0 2587.0 9.0 0.347893 7.890940e-03 ... False False lung NA healthy NA male NA 0 0.038945
7995 16470667 a3ffde6c-7ad2-498a-903c-d58e732f7470 GTEX-15CHR alveolar macrophage 0.555876 2978.0 6683.0 1056.0 15.801287 -3.576279e-07 ... NA NA prostate gland NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.039315
8274 15859398 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D139 alveolar macrophage 1.088573 3213.0 9033.0 776.0 8.590723 5.960465e-08 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.039467
8495 15864576 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D231 alveolar macrophage 0.217645 3000.0 8676.0 878.0 10.119871 1.788139e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.039593
8531 9023799 GSE132771 GSM3891629 macrophage 0.450898 1605.0 4759.0 148.0 3.109897 1.273805e-02 ... False False lung NA idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis NA NA NA 0 0.039611
8538 15883715 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D046 alveolar macrophage -0.036605 2633.0 6147.0 1239.0 20.156174 5.960465e-08 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.039615
9038 15867419 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D062 alveolar macrophage 0.474921 2663.0 5696.0 324.0 5.688202 0.000000e+00 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.039876
9540 14631176 62ef75e4-cbea-454e-a0ce-998ec40223d3 D496 alveolar macrophage 0.382598 4272.0 18652.0 1488.0 7.977697 2.384186e-07 ... NA NA thoracic lymph node NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.040141
9658 15883634 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D046 alveolar macrophage 0.864513 1546.0 2791.0 349.0 12.504479 -1.192093e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.040204
9659 15859744 625f6bf4-2f33-4942-962e-35243d284837 D139 alveolar macrophage 0.617676 3241.0 9721.0 362.0 3.723897 2.980232e-07 ... NA NA lung NA healthy NA NA alveolar macrophage 0 0.040204

18 rows × 27 columns

The results for the non-specific signature are empty after filtering out the query study because the centroid constructed is poor and could only match cells from the query study.


This notebook outlines the basics of how to take a dataset, construct a centroid from a gene signature, and perform a cell search across our precomputed reference of 23.4M cells and summarize the results. You can use this as a template to expore cell states in other datasets you are interested in.

Keep in mind that the datasets that you analyze with SCimilarity should fit the following criteria: - Data generated from the 10x Genomics Chromium platform (models are trained using this data only). - Human scRNA-seq data. - Counts normalized with SCimilarity functions or using the same process. Different normalizations will have poor results.

Next: Advanced cell search using cluster centroids#

This notebook demonstrated SCimilarity cell search on centroids and described the QC metrics that can be used to evaluate the quality of a centroid. Another common method for grouping cells is from clusters or cell type labels. Our QC metrics can also be applied to cluster centroids to evaluate the quality of those centroids.

Check out the next tutorial to learn how to search cell cluster centroids using SCimilarity!