Inference using Borzoi#

In this tutorial, we learn how to download a pre-trained model from the gReLU model zoo, use it for inference, visualize the results and interpret the model.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import os

Load the pre-trained Borzoi model from the model zoo#

The grelu.resources module contains functions to access saved models and datasets associated with gReLU. grelu.resources.load_model is the function to load a saved model from the model zoo.

We will load the Borzoi model ( trained to predict thousands of human genomic tracks from sequence.

Note that here we specify the model_name to be human_fold0. You can change human to mouse or change the fold number to 1, 2, or 3 to access different versions of the Borzoi model.

import grelu.resources
model = grelu.resources.load_model(

View the model’s metadata#

model.data_params is a dictionary containing metadata about the data used to train the model. Let’s look at what information is stored:

dict_keys(['tasks', 'train_seq_len', 'train_label_len', 'train_genome', 'train_bin_size'])

Let’s print some of these metadata fields:

for key in model.data_params.keys():
    if key !="tasks":
        print(key, model.data_params[key])
train_seq_len 524288
train_label_len 16384
train_genome hg38
train_bin_size 32

This tells us that the model was trained on sequences of length 524288 bp from the hg38 genome, and predicts labels for 16384 bins of 32 bp width.

You’ll notice we left out tasks. This is a large dictionary containing metadata about the output tracks that the model predicts. We can collect these into a dataframe called tasks:

tasks = pd.DataFrame(model.data_params['tasks'])
name file clip clip_soft scale sum_stat strand_pair description assay sample
0 CNhs10608+ /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/cage/fantom/C... 768 384 1.0 sum 1 CAGE:Clontech Human Universal Reference Total ... CAGE Clontech Human Universal Reference Total RNA, ...
1 CNhs10608- /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/cage/fantom/C... 768 384 1.0 sum 0 CAGE:Clontech Human Universal Reference Total ... CAGE Clontech Human Universal Reference Total RNA, ...
2 CNhs10610+ /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/cage/fantom/C... 768 384 1.0 sum 3 CAGE:SABiosciences XpressRef Human Universal T... CAGE SABiosciences XpressRef Human Universal Total ...

Make inference intervals#

We will now use the model to make predictions on a specific genomic interval from chromosome 1. Since the model was trained on sequences of length 524288 bp, our input interval will be of the same length.

input_len = model.data_params["train_seq_len"]
chrom = "chr1"
input_start = 69993520
input_end = input_start + input_len

We format the interval(s) that we want to make predictions on as a dataframe containing columns “chrom”, “start” and “end”. A “strand” column can be supplied optionally.

input_intervals = pd.DataFrame({
    'chrom':[chrom], 'start':[input_start], 'end':[input_end], "strand":["+"],

chrom start end strand
0 chr1 69993520 70517808 +

Extract the sequence#

grelu.sequence.format contains functions to convert DNA sequences from one format to another. Here, we use it to convert the genomic interval into a string:

import grelu.sequence.format

input_seqs = grelu.sequence.format.convert_input_type(
input_seq = input_seqs[0]


This is a very long sequence - don’t try to print the whole thing! Let’s just look at the beginning.


Run inference on a single sequence#

If we want to use the model to make a prediction on a single sequence or a few sequences, gReLU provides a very simple command to do this: model.predict_on_seqs.

On the other hand, if we want to make batched predictions on many sequences, or average the predictions over different versions of the sequence, we should use gReLU’s pytorch dataset classes. We’ll see how to do that later.

preds = model.predict_on_seqs(input_seqs, device=0)
CPU times: user 2.41 s, sys: 967 ms, total: 3.37 s
Wall time: 2.22 s
(1, 7611, 6144)

Note the shape of preds: it’s in the format Batch, Tasks, Length. So we have 1 sequence, 7611 tasks, and 6144 bins along the length axis.

Get output interval coordinates#

We know that the input was a 524288 bp region from chr1:69993520-70517808. But Borzoi is not making predictions for the entire region; it’s cropping some positions from the sides.

We can find out the region for which we are actually making predictions using the input_intervals_to_output_intervals method.

output_intervals = model.input_intervals_to_output_intervals(input_intervals)
chrom start end strand
0 chr1 70157360 70353968 +
output_start = output_intervals.start[0]
output_end = output_intervals.end[0]
output_len = output_end - output_start

We see that our predictions encompass the central 196608 bp of the input 524288 bp.

Plot predictions#

grelu.visualize provides a variety of functions to plot model predictions and performance. To start, we visualize the Borzoi predictions over the output region.

import grelu.visualize
%matplotlib inline

As an example, we will visualize the first 2 CAGE and RNA-seq output tracks for brain tissue.

cage_brain_tasks = tasks[(tasks.assay=="CAGE") & (tasks["sample"].str.contains("brain"))].head(2)
rna_brain_tasks = tasks[(tasks.assay=="RNA") & (tasks["sample"].str.contains("brain"))].head(2)

tasks_to_plot = cage_brain_tasks.index.tolist() + rna_brain_tasks.index.tolist()
task_names = tasks.description[tasks_to_plot].tolist() # Description of these tracks from the `tasks` dataframe

[10, 11, 6635, 6636]
['CAGE:brain, adult, pool1', 'CAGE:brain, adult, pool1', 'RNA:brain tissue female adult (66 years)', 'RNA:brain tissue female adult (66 years)']
fig = grelu.visualize.plot_tracks(
    preds[0, tasks_to_plot, :], # Outputs to plot
    start_pos=output_start, # Start coordinate for the x-axis label
    end_pos=output_end, # End coordinate for the x-axis label
    titles=task_names, # titles for each track
    figsize=(20, 6), # width, height

Add genomic annotations#

We can also extract genomic annotations and visualize them alongside the predicted activity. Note that we use genomepy and you may need to install some UCSC tools to access the annotations. If you do not have these installed, you can use the commands below, or skip this section.

#rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
#rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
#rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
#rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
#rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/

Below, we will extract the coordinates for exons in the hg38 human genome:


exons ="hg38", features="exon")
chrom start end gene_name source feature score strand frame attribute
1 chr1 11874 12227 DDX11L1 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "DDX11L1"; transcript_id "NR_046018.2"...
2 chr1 12613 12721 DDX11L1 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "DDX11L1"; transcript_id "NR_046018.2"...
3 chr1 13221 14409 DDX11L1 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "DDX11L1"; transcript_id "NR_046018.2"...

We filter those exons that overlap with the output region we are predicting:


output_exons =
    method="any" # return the exon if there any overlap at all with the output interval. Set to 'all' for completely contained exons.
Keeping 560 intervals
chrom start end gene_name source feature score strand frame attribute
176820 chr1 70159330 70159438 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....
176822 chr1 70173465 70173510 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....
176824 chr1 70173622 70173709 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....

This gives us all the exon coordinates in the output region. Since some of these exons may exceed the output region, we clip the start and end values to the output interval coordinates.

output_exons =, start=output_start, end=output_end)
chrom start end gene_name source feature score strand frame attribute
176820 chr1 70159330 70159438 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....
176822 chr1 70173465 70173510 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....
176824 chr1 70173622 70173709 LRRC40 genomepy exon . - . gene_id "LRRC40"; transcript_id "XM_047424520....

We also want to annotate each gene, so we create a dataframe called genes that spans the region from the start of the first exon to the end of the last exon for each gene.

output_genes =
    output_exons, group_col="gene_name"
gene_name chrom start end strand
0 ANKRD13C chr1 70258999 70336099 -
1 LRRC40 chr1 70159330 70205579 -
2 SRSF11 chr1 70205696 70253052 +

Plot predictions with annotations#

Now, we can add these annotations to the plot.

fig = grelu.visualize.plot_tracks(
    preds[0, tasks_to_plot, :], # Outputs to plot
    start_pos=output_start, # Start coordinate for x-axis
    end_pos=output_end, # End coordinate for x-axis
    figsize=(20, 6),
    annotations={"genes":output_genes, "exons":output_exons} # Dictionary of annotation dataframes

Analyze attention weights#

Borzoi contains several transformer layers. Here, we can analyze the attention weights to see the relationships between local sequence regions. We use the grelu.interpret.score module which contains functions to score the importance of input bases.

import grelu.interpret.score

attn = grelu.interpret.score.get_attention_scores(
    seqs=input_seq, # You can also supply just the genomic interval
    block_idx=-1, # We take attention weights from the final transformer layer

(8, 4096, 4096)

Note the shape of attn: It is in the form (heads, bins, bins). The first dimension is of length 8 since the transformer layer contains 8 heads. We will average the weights of all heads together to get a single bin x bin matrix.

attn = attn.mean(0)
(4096, 4096)

Before visualizing this matrix, let us once again collect the gene annotations. Since the attention matrix is obtained from the transformer layers before cropping, it corresponds to the 524 kb input interval, not the 196 kb output interval. So, we once again extract exons and genes, this time overlapping with the input interval.

input_exons =
    method="any" # return the exon if there any overlap at all with the output interval. Set to 'all' for completely contained exons.
input_exons =, start=output_start, end=output_end)
input_genes =
    input_exons.iloc[:, :4], group_col="gene_name"
Keeping 762 intervals
gene_name chrom start end
0 ANKRD13C chr1 70258999 70353968
1 ANKRD13C-DT chr1 70354811 70353968
2 CTH chr1 70411268 70353968
3 LINC03102 chr1 70359559 70353968
4 LOC105378793 chr1 70449080 70353968
5 LRRC40 chr1 70157360 70205579
6 LRRC7 chr1 70157360 70144364
7 LRRC7-AS1 chr1 70157360 70042259
8 SRSF11 chr1 70205696 70253052
fig = grelu.visualize.plot_attention_matrix(
    highlight_intervals=input_genes, # Draw a box around each gene
    figsize=(8, 6)

Calculate tissue specific expression over SRSF11 exons#

Suppose we are interested in a specific function of the output - the total RNA-seq expression over all exons of the SRSF11 gene. Further, we are interested in the tissue specificity of this expression, in brain vs. liver. We first identify the relevant tasks in the model’s predictions.

brain_tasks = tasks[(tasks.assay == "RNA") & (tasks["sample"].str.contains("brain"))].index.tolist()
[6635, 6636, 7539, 7540, 7541]
liver_tasks = tasks[(tasks.assay == "RNA") & (tasks["sample"].str.contains("liver"))].index.tolist()
[6132, 6133, 6146, 6147, 6437, 6438, 6490, 6491, 6579, 6580, 6582, 6583, 6691, 6692, 6730, 6731, 6770, 6916, 6917, 7181, 7182, 7563, 7564, 7565]

Let’s look at what these tasks are:

name file clip clip_soft scale sum_stat strand_pair description assay sample
6635 ENCFF637ZBG+ /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/encode/EN... 768 384 0.30 sum_sqrt 6636 RNA:brain tissue female adult (66 years) RNA brain tissue female adult (66 years)
6636 ENCFF637ZBG- /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/encode/EN... 768 384 0.30 sum_sqrt 6635 RNA:brain tissue female adult (66 years) RNA brain tissue female adult (66 years)
7539 GTEX-13FTY-0011-R11a-SM-5IJEA.1 /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/recount3/... 768 384 0.01 sum_sqrt 7539 RNA:brain RNA brain
name file clip clip_soft scale sum_stat strand_pair description assay sample
6132 ENCFF945UHI+ /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/encode/EN... 768 384 0.3 sum_sqrt 6133 RNA:liver tissue female child (6 years) and wi... RNA liver tissue female child (6 years) and with n...
6133 ENCFF945UHI- /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/encode/EN... 768 384 0.3 sum_sqrt 6132 RNA:liver tissue female child (6 years) and wi... RNA liver tissue female child (6 years) and with n...
6146 ENCFF630VID+ /home/drk/tillage/datasets/human/rna/encode/EN... 768 384 0.3 sum_sqrt 6147 RNA:liver tissue female embryo (20 weeks) and ... RNA liver tissue female embryo (20 weeks) and male...

Now, let us get the coordinates of the exons of the SRSF11 gene.

srsf11_exons = exons[exons.gene_name == "SRSF11"]
chrom start end gene_name source feature score strand frame attribute
176920 chr1 70205696 70205780 SRSF11 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "SRSF11"; transcript_id "XM_047434541....
176921 chr1 70216294 70221839 SRSF11 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "SRSF11"; transcript_id "XM_047434541....
176923 chr1 70228422 70228555 SRSF11 genomepy exon . + . gene_id "SRSF11"; transcript_id "XM_047434541....

Remember that the model makes predictions for bins of width 32 bp. In order to get the predicted coverage over the SRSF11 exons, we need to identify the relevant bins in the output track that overlap with exons of SRSF11. We have another coordinate-conversion function for this:

srsf11_exon_bins = model.input_intervals_to_output_bins(
    start_pos=input_start # Start coordinate of the input sequence
start end
176920 1510 1514
176921 1841 2015
176923 2220 2225

We now have the indices of all the bins that overlap with each exon! Let’s combine them:

selected_bins = set()
for row in srsf11_exon_bins.itertuples():
    selected_bins = selected_bins.union(list(range(row.start, row.end)))

selected_bins = list(selected_bins)


Thus, out of the 6144 bins in the model’s output, we are interested in only a subset of them. Now, we can use the grelu.transforms module to define a transform or objective function that calculates a specific score from the model’s predictions.

We use the Specificity transform since we are computing the difference between on- and off- target tasks. To simply compute the mean or total prediction over specific regions/tasks, use the Aggregate transform.

import grelu.transforms.prediction_transforms

brain_specific_srsf11_score = grelu.transforms.prediction_transforms.Specificity(
    on_tasks = brain_tasks, # positive tasks
    off_tasks = liver_tasks, # negative tasks
    positions = selected_bins, # The relevant regions of the output
    on_aggfunc = "mean", # Average expression over the positive tasks
    off_aggfunc = "mean", # Average expression over the negative tasks
    length_aggfunc = "mean", # Average expression over the bins
    compare_func = "divide", # Return the ratio of expression in positive tasks to negative tasks

By applying this function to our model’s predictions, we get the ratio between the mean expression in exons of SRSF11 in brain RNA-seq tracks vs. in liver RNA-seq tracks.

array([[[1.6088328]]], dtype=float32)

Thus, the total expression over all annotated SRSF11 exons is on average 1.6x higher in brain RNA-seq tracks.

ISM with respect to specific expression#

We can perform In Silico Mutagenesis (ISM) to identify which bases in the input sequence are contributing to the tissue-specific expression. Since ISM on all 524288 bases would take a long time, we will take 100 bases upstream and downstream of the start position of the first exon.

ism_start_pos = srsf11_exons.start.min() - 100
ism_end_pos = srsf11_exons.start.min() + 100
print(ism_start_pos, ism_end_pos)
70205596 70205796

ism = grelu.interpret.score.ISM_predict(
    seqs=input_seq, # You can also supply genomic intervals
    prediction_transform=brain_specific_srsf11_score, # We will compute how each base affects this score
    devices=0, # Index of the GPU to use
    start_pos=ism_start_pos-input_start, # Relative start position from the first base
    end_pos=ism_end_pos-input_start, # Relative end position from the first base
    return_df=True, # Return a dataframe
    compare_func="log2FC", # Return the log2 ratio between the predictions for the mutated sequence and the reference sequence

Predicting DataLoader 0: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [03:10<00:00,  0.52it/s]
CPU times: user 3min 15s, sys: 2.33 s, total: 3min 17s
Wall time: 3min 18s
(4, 200)

The output here is a dataframe with 4 rows corresponding to the bases that were substituted at each position (A, C, G and T) and 200 columns, one for each position that was mutated. Because we selected compare_func="log2FC", the values in the dataframe represent log (score of mutated sequence / score of original sequence).

ism.iloc[:, :5]
A -0.000551 -0.001781 -0.000846 -0.002162 -0.001189
C 0.000000 0.000000 -0.002981 -0.002454 0.000083
G -0.005164 -0.004785 0.000000 -0.002293 -0.002632
T 0.000069 0.000556 -0.004873 0.000000 0.000000

We can visualize these ISM scores in two ways: as a heatmap or as a sequence logo where the height of each base corresponds to its importance.

grelu.visualize.plot_ISM(ism, method="heatmap", figsize=(20, 1.5), center=0)
<Axes: >
grelu.visualize.plot_ISM(ism, method="logo", figsize=(15.5, 1.5))
<logomaker.src.Logo.Logo at 0x7efbf4468f10>

See the subsequent tutorials to learn about other things you can do with this model, including fine-tuning, variant effect prediction, and sequence design.