5  Customize covariate effect plots

This page showcase how to customize the covariate effect plots.

5.1 Setup and load

Show the code

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))

5.2 Load data

Show the code

d_sim_binom_cov_2 <-
  d_sim_binom_cov |>
    AUCss_1000 = AUCss / 1000, BAGE_10 = BAGE / 10,
    BWT_10 = BWT / 10, BHBA1C_5 = BHBA1C / 5

# Grade 2+ hypoglycemia
df_er_ae_hgly2 <- d_sim_binom_cov_2 |> filter(AETYPE == "hgly2")

var_resp <- "AEFLAG"
var_exposure <- "AUCss_1000"

5.3 Fit model

Show the code
ermod_bin_hgly2_cov <- dev_ermod_bin(
  data = df_er_ae_hgly2,
  var_resp = var_resp,
  var_cov = c("RACE", "BGLUC", "BHBA1C_5"),
  var_exposure = var_exposure

5.4 Evaluation of covariate effects

By default, the covariate effect plots are generated for 5th and 95th percentiles of the continuous covariates and for each level of the categorical covariates (in the order of frequency in data).

Show the code
coveffsim <- sim_coveff(ermod_bin_hgly2_cov)
Figure 5.1

You can modify the width of the quantile interval using the qi_width_cov argument.

Show the code
coveffsim_qicov_08 <- sim_coveff(ermod_bin_hgly2_cov, qi_width_cov = 0.8)
Figure 5.2

5.5 Further customization

These covariate effect simulation (and plotting) can be customized by providing specifications to sim_coveff() function.

First, we build the specification for the covariate effects with build_spec_coveff() function.

Show the code
spec_coveff <- build_spec_coveff(ermod_bin_hgly2_cov)
spec_coveff |> 
  gt() |> 
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)|>
  fmt_integer(columns = c("value_order", "var_order"))
var_order var_name var_label value_order value_annot value_label value_cont value_cat is_ref_value show_ref_value is_covariate
1 AUCss_1000 AUCss_1000 1 5th 0.868 0.868 NA FALSE NA FALSE
1 AUCss_1000 AUCss_1000 2 median 2.21 2.21 NA TRUE TRUE FALSE
1 AUCss_1000 AUCss_1000 3 95th 5.30 5.30 NA FALSE NA FALSE
2 RACE RACE 1 1st freq White NA White TRUE TRUE TRUE
2 RACE RACE 2 2nd freq Asian NA Asian FALSE NA TRUE
2 RACE RACE 3 3rd freq Black NA Black FALSE NA TRUE
3 BGLUC BGLUC 1 5th 4.43 4.43 NA FALSE NA TRUE
3 BGLUC BGLUC 2 median 6.10 6.10 NA TRUE TRUE TRUE
3 BGLUC BGLUC 3 95th 7.59 7.59 NA FALSE NA TRUE
4 BHBA1C_5 BHBA1C_5 1 5th 5.75 5.75 NA FALSE NA TRUE
4 BHBA1C_5 BHBA1C_5 2 median 7.97 7.97 NA TRUE TRUE TRUE
4 BHBA1C_5 BHBA1C_5 3 95th 10.4 10.4 NA FALSE NA TRUE

Let’s say we want to customize in a follwoing way:

  • Re-calculate percentiles of BGLUC from new distribution (example below uses uniform distribution between 4 and 8) and change the width of the quantile interval to 0.8.
  • Use specific values for BHBA1C (30, 35, 45, 50) and label with the original scale rather than those devided by 5 (used in the model).
  • Use Asian as the reference level
  • Show the plots in the order of BGLUC, BHBA1C, and then RACE
Show the code
spec_new_bgluc <- build_spec_coveff_one_variable(
  "BGLUC", seq(4, 8, by = 0.1),
  qi_width_cov = 0.8, show_ref_value = TRUE

spec_new_bhba1c <- 
  tibble(value_cont = c(30, 35, 45, 50) / 5) |> 
    value_order = row_number(),
    value_label = as.character(value_cont * 5),
    var_name = "BHBA1C_5",
    var_label = "BHBA1C",
    value_annot = glue::glue("{value_label}mmol/mol"),
    is_ref_value = FALSE,
    show_ref_value = FALSE)

spec_new_race <- 
  spec_coveff |> 
  filter(var_name == "RACE") |> 
    is_ref_value = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
    show_ref_value = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
  ) |> 
  select(-var_order, -is_covariate)

spec_coveff_new_1 <- 
  replace_spec_coveff(spec_coveff, bind_rows(spec_new_bgluc, spec_new_bhba1c)) |>
  # spec_new_race is separately provided as we want to change the reference level
  replace_spec_coveff(spec_new_race, replace_ref_value = TRUE)

d_new_var_order <- 
  tibble(var_name = c("AUCss_1000", "BGLUC", "BHBA1C_5", "RACE")) |> 
  mutate(var_order = row_number())

spec_coveff_new <- 
  spec_coveff_new_1 |> 
  select(-var_order) |>
  left_join(d_new_var_order, by = "var_name")

spec_coveff_new |> 
  gt() |> 
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)|>
  fmt_integer(columns = c("value_order", "var_order"))
var_name value_order value_annot value_label value_cont value_cat is_ref_value show_ref_value var_label is_covariate var_order
AUCss_1000 1 5th 0.868 0.868 NA FALSE NA AUCss_1000 FALSE 1
AUCss_1000 2 median 2.21 2.21 NA TRUE TRUE AUCss_1000 FALSE 1
AUCss_1000 3 95th 5.30 5.30 NA FALSE NA AUCss_1000 FALSE 1
RACE 1 1st freq White NA White FALSE FALSE RACE TRUE 4
RACE 2 2nd freq Asian NA Asian TRUE TRUE RACE TRUE 4
RACE 3 3rd freq Black NA Black FALSE FALSE RACE TRUE 4
BGLUC 2 10th 4.40 4.40 NA FALSE NA BGLUC TRUE 2
BGLUC 3 median 6.00 6.00 NA FALSE NA BGLUC TRUE 2
BGLUC 4 90th 7.60 7.60 NA FALSE NA BGLUC TRUE 2
BHBA1C_5 2 30mmol/mol 30 6.00 NA FALSE NA BHBA1C TRUE 3
BHBA1C_5 3 35mmol/mol 35 7.00 NA FALSE NA BHBA1C TRUE 3
BHBA1C_5 4 45mmol/mol 45 9.00 NA FALSE NA BHBA1C TRUE 3
BHBA1C_5 5 50mmol/mol 50 10.0 NA FALSE NA BHBA1C TRUE 3

The customized covariate effect plots can be generated using the plot_coveff()

Show the code
coveffsim_spec <- sim_coveff(ermod_bin_hgly2_cov, spec_coveff = spec_coveff_new)
Figure 5.3